Saturday, January 8, 2011


At nine months, Anderson is everywhere. There used to be a day when I felt like all I did was sit on the couch and nurse all day long, but now I get so excited to sit still for 15 minutes, because most of the day, I am chasing after his little busy body
Anderson is. . .
  • Crawling faster than ever, and doesn't seem to be showing a huge interest in walking at this point, which is just fine.
  • Able to lower himself without getting hurt from standing at the coffee table, chair or whatever he can reach.
  • Worships the dishwasher.
  • Chases the dog--she tolerates him.
  • "Playing" with other kids.
  • Enjoying toys.
  • Liking being in the stroller for longer walks.
  • Babbling all day long.
  • Eating lots of solids (whole avocados and pears in one sitting--he adores Cheerios)
  • Sleeping pretty well and night, but his naps are regressing a bit. . . just when they were getting better!
  • Loving to read books.
  • Reaching the light switch in his room from his crib when he supposed to be napping (see photo below). There is nowhere else for the crib to go, so we're stuck.
  • Whining more when things don't go his way.
  • Not hating the car like he used (this is definitely the highlight of this list for his parents)

First Christmas

We spent a great Christmas in Woodland with our family. It was so fun to have almost everyone in the same place, and Anderson got to meet some uncles and cousins for the first time. As expected he was particularly fond of the ribbons, paper and boxes, but he is having a lot of fun with

Opening presents with Dad
Tasting presents

Sitting with Grandpa, who does bear a seasonally appropriate resemblance to Santa Claus.
With Auntie Rhody

Cousin Catalina--they loved each other, but there were some bites here and there. . .mostly from Anderson.